Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas Packages.
This year we will send out 3 packages. One to Hungary, One to Chicago and One to Phoenix.
The last package will finally be off to the post office tomorrow. This package will go to Phoenix. My mother is in Phoenix for the winter so each year we send her a Christmas stocking filled with small gifts, in the summer she returns the stocking to me for the next Christmas shipment.
I think it is fun to wrap each small gift individually. Today I put the boys to work helping me wrap the gifts, I also had them each write a letter to grandma.
Kirk put allot of energy into his letter and even put his own gift to grandma together.

Colton writes a letter.

No peeking mom I'm stuffing your Christmas stocking.

Here is Dakota's efforts in wrapping and writing.

David says he has never wrapped a gift before. Here is his first, perfect (if he does say so himself), attempt in wrapping a gift for grandma.

Look perfectly done.

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