Saturday, December 13, 2008

Busy, Productive Day

Today is a very busy day for us. We have not decorated for Christmas yet and it is only 12 days away. Today we went out to the woods and chopped down a christmas tree. We spend the daylight hours decorated the exterior of the house with the outdoor decorations. Duane was surely brave to get up on the icey and snowy roof to put the lights up.

Colton helped put the stars on the deck.

David helped put Santa up.

Trica put the lights in the trees.

Kirk helped out with the Reindeer.

Today is David 4 month anniversary in the USA. I cooked David's choice of Hungarian meals.
Gombapörkölt. A mushroom stew. I served it over Nokedli. I made chicken gravy over noodles as a second choice. David had tejbegriz for dessert. This is like grits. David added extra sugar and chocolate. I thought it tasted like brownie batter.
Colton cuts down the Christmas tree.

Duane watches Colton's progress of tree cutting.

Colton decorates the Christmas tree while singing aloud to the Christmas music.

Kirk hid the Christmas Pickle in the tree.

Duane decorates with some of his Christmas ornaments, all electronic-the cell phone and the laptop computer.

Trica decorating the tree.

Dakota decorating the tree.

Here is what our Christmas tree looks like.

We all pose for a Christmas picture after our long day.

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