Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa K

Today we spent the day with Grandma and Grandpa K to celebrate Christmas. Marlene cooked some great food, including Lutafisk, Lefse, Krumkake, and Fattigman. We exchanged gifts and spent some time outdoors.

David tries some new kind of candy. He liked it.

Dakota with a craft.

Jason with a movie.

Colton with football stuff.

Kirk with an alien making kit.

Raven with Ponyville Ponies.

Duane got a battery charger.

Lisa collected another CLUE Game.

Grandma with her PJ's and Grandpa with a new Vikings shirt.

Trica with a new griddle.

Some of the Good Food.

David rides a snowmobile.

Colton rides behind the snowmobile.

Raven and Kirk build a snow fort.

Jason, Dakota and Kirk wrestle in the snow.

Colton drives the snowmobile.

Raven and Colton ride in the homemade sled behind the snowmobile.

Snowmobile Scenes, just watch the video.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Today we spent the day with my brother Ryan, his wife Brenda and their 9 month old twins Mason and Meghan. The kids exchanged gifts. We ate pizza and played Rock Band.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

We ate a traditonal Ham dinner for Christmas followed by a variety of cream pies.

Christmas Day

Christmas Day was spent at home with family. We spent the day in our Christmas pajama's. The kids got a chance to look in their chrtistmas stockings and check out what Santa had left for them under the tree. We ate breakfast, then got to the gift opening. I think everyone was happy with their gifts.

I think only Caesar was unhappy with his Christmas gift.







Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was quiet. Duane worked, so he spent the day sleeping. David and I made 4 pies. A banana cream, coconut cream and two chocolate cream pies. Duane woke in time for supper. After we ate we went to the cemetary. Once we got home the boys were excited to open their one traditional christmas present-and always the same-pajama's and a christmas ornament. We watched a bit of TV, read Twas The Night Before Christmas, then it was off to bed so Santa cold make his arrival.

These are pictures of David mixing up the pies.

The Pies.

We woke up Christmas Eve morning to a beautiful winter wonderland.
We have had an above average snowfall this month.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas Packages.
This year we will send out 3 packages. One to Hungary, One to Chicago and One to Phoenix.
The last package will finally be off to the post office tomorrow. This package will go to Phoenix. My mother is in Phoenix for the winter so each year we send her a Christmas stocking filled with small gifts, in the summer she returns the stocking to me for the next Christmas shipment.
I think it is fun to wrap each small gift individually. Today I put the boys to work helping me wrap the gifts, I also had them each write a letter to grandma.
Kirk put allot of energy into his letter and even put his own gift to grandma together.

Colton writes a letter.

No peeking mom I'm stuffing your Christmas stocking.

Here is Dakota's efforts in wrapping and writing.

David says he has never wrapped a gift before. Here is his first, perfect (if he does say so himself), attempt in wrapping a gift for grandma.

Look perfectly done.