Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Kalahari Resort Wi Dells

Kirk has had his picture taken on this ape everytime we've gone to Wi Dells.

Ferris Wheel

Kirk on the Go Karts.

Dakota on his speedy military car.

Duane on the paint spat car.

Pink, so pretty!

Ropes Course

The only picture taken of Colton at the Indoor Theme Park

Kirk got a very smart fortune read by this chimp.

Birthday Party Time Again...

More presents

Shortly after this picture was taken the smoke detector/fire alarm went off!!

Kota relaxing.

Kirk relaxing

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Traveling to Wisonsin Dells

Beautiful Sunset

Favorite stop in Eau Claire, our half way point.

Colton's Last Day with Braces

Colton on his way into the orthodontist office to have his braces removed.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Birthday Celebration with Family and Friends

Kirk's Birthday Cake

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Kirk,
Happy Birthday to you!!

Meghan enjpys the cake.

Mason like the cake too but doesn't like the camera.

Landon doesn't care about anything but the cake.

Present time!

Kirk opens presents while his friends look on.

We forgot the tradition group couch picture so this one will have to do.

Ryan & Brenda and the kiddo's.

Colton, Vern, Jason and Lisa.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Kirk's Real Golden Birthday!

Happy 12th birthday Kirk.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Dual Birthday Celebration

Today we celebrated Vern's 70th birthday and Marlene's 65th birthday.

Vern and Marlene with the Grandkids.
Colton, Dakota, Kirk and Raven.

Vern and Marlene with their kids.
Lisa and Duane

The zoo on a beautiful fall day.

The entire family by the big bear.

I thought this was an interesting site.

All the backsides as they watch the prairie dogs.


The Bald Eagle

Duane and Trica

Kirk on a frog

Raven on a frog

Dakota spent the day improving his photography skills

The path to the bridge and beautiful scenery

Guys on the river


Duane on the bridge

Vern & Marlene

The river