Friday, February 27, 2009

Raven's Birthday Party

It is Raven's Birthday today.


Dakota sitting in his imaginary chair.

David loves allot of ketchup on his pizza.

These two have been best buds since day one.

For some reason the boys are always attracted to uncle Jason. Mischief usually follows too!

David volunteers to be the pinata holder.

Maybe not the smartest idea. Look at the size of that bat!

I think everyone enjoyed the suspense.

Happy Birthday Raven! We had a fun time.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Minnesota Twins Youth Baseball Camp

Colton had one day of baseball training at the Metrodome. We arrived by 8:30am.

Waiting in line to register along with 209 other players and their family.

The boys start with a word or two or three from the coaches.

Throwing practice

Batting Practice

Colton sitting in Minnesota Twins Dugout.

Colton posing near home plate.

Colton wrapping up the day.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


We traveled to the Twin Cities a day early. Spent the night at the Best Western Normandy Inn, and spent our evening and ate our dinner at Gameworks.

Dakota played many games of House of the Dead III and IV.

Kirk played many different games.

David played mostly racing games, Colton got lucky with the crane style games.

We all ate 10 oz Monster burgers.

Trica and Duane wait patiently for the boys to use up all their "points".

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day! We grilled steak, baked potatoes, tossed a salad and had dinner rolls for our meal today. Mmm Mmm!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Third Grade Class Presents....

Kirk has worked hard at school and tonight presents a great singing program to family and friends.

Kirk sings, He's the one in the construction hat.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Ice Fishing

We sent the boys to grandma's and David went skiing with the YFU students. Then the adults went ice fishing. Ryan took a round about way getting on the lake and got his truck stuck in a snowbank. It took us some time to dig out. They weather got colder and windier while we were on the lake.

Duane and Brenda try to dig out.

Our first fishing hole. The ice was about 2 feet thick. The lake was 14 feet deep, not so good for pan fishing.

The ice house was up and the holes were being dug. Brenda had caught the stomach flu, Ryan caught a cold and Duane and I caught a buzz. However no fish were caught.